Tag Archives: public space

Highlighting urban design

15 May

The city of Edmonton has produced a nifty little guide to showcase nifty design highlights among its newest communities.

Entitled “Designing New Neighbourhoods“, the 48-page report is a product of the city’s municipal development plan, “The Way We Grow” which is itself part of a series of high-level plans for the next 40, 50 years as the capital city of one of the world’s energy hotspots.

Designing New Neighbourhoods highlights some of the best practices in the city’s newest areas such as Windermere & The Orchards in the far southwest, Summerside in the southeast, Lago Lindo, Schonsee & Griesbach in the north end of town.

Each highlight has a photo listing the neighbourhood feature, its location and nascent benefits to the surrounding community.

The accolades are categorized according to 9 major urban design considerations:

  • housing,
  • streets & public realm,
  • parks & open spaces,
  • natural areas,
  • active transportation & transit,
  • history & culture,
  • commercial, retail & public facilities,
  • food & agriculture,
  • ecological design.

There’s a major emphasis on natural settings which is interesting given that a lot of people in Edmonton are talking about urban farming lately.

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Some might see unintended irony in oil field service workers bombing down the Anthony Henday freeway in their F-150s from the big box stores of South Edmonton Common to disembark and enjoy “new urbanist” practices of intimate, walkable neighbourhoods.

But when the majority of infill development in this city tends to be highrise condos, it only makes sense that these ideas would be put into practice where land is cheap and demand high.  Given that the capital city region is expected to add as many as 75,000 people over just the next five years I think its worth applauding anywhere pedestrian-friendly, close-knit public spaces can take root. Even if they are in the suburbs.

The city has invited feedback at www.transformingedmonton.ca.