Tag Archives: hockey

You knew this was coming…

22 Feb

Its Sh*t Edmontonians Say

Credit to the enterprising folks who saw the meme and jumped on it. In one day its already gotten 100,000 hits…and once it digested the requisite Oiler fanfare (thanks to appearances by phenoms Jordan Eberle and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins), stirred up some civic dialogue.

(for the record, I have never actually seen Lucy the Elephant, I grew up in Millwoods and they’re bang on about the air conditioning…)

In the meantime, hello, everywhere else in the world: consider the floodgates of self-caricature open, if they aren’t already.  I guess it makes sense, given that the ” Sh*t (insert ethnicity here) say” vids lit-up the broadband, one after another.  Alas, even enterprising, funny webisodes based on ethnic comedy eventually meet the law of diminishing returns.

What I think is utterly fascinating is how fast these memes are circulating.  For what its worth I’ve been really enjoying this one lately, and it doesn’t even have a title. The fact that these online memes are less than two months old is starting to give 2012 an interesting–if not worn out–theme.

But I am looking forward to seeing vignettes about what other cities in the world–starting, of course, with Calgary–say when they say Sh*t.