Tag Archives: design thinking

Banks, social media and design thinking.

6 May

Banks are lousy at social media.  That’s been proven over and over recently.

Or has it? Just because a bank maintains the slimmest of presences compared to other brands doesn’t mean its “lousy” at social media.  Maybe its by choice.  One could easily argue that banks just haven’t fallen for the hype around social media and squandered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to establish a narrative by acting in haste.  Canadian banks in particular maintain an almost literal facade over their respective Facebook or Twitter personalities with little beyond the obligatory Wikipedia entry, some basic contact info and the barest idea of what it actually does.

Up until now, I don’t think this was a bad thing.  Think about it–Social Media (not even a generation old and inherently skewed to Millennials & “digital natives”) and some of the world’s oldest institutions.  Precociousness v. Prosaic.  How is that going to go?  Given how badly or awkward social media efforts by brands can be, seeing an inherently conservative entity marching onto Facebook like any other brand would look like your dad trying to get on a skateboard for the very first time: tragicomic.

In this sense, I think the banks acted wisely.  Why mess with a medium that, however intriguing, has a limited impact on your core business, is far from where all the real action is (entertainment and consumer packaged goods) and can so easily backfire?  The learning curve is steep and companies fundamentally lose a certain aspect of control when they venture into new media, so hesitation on their part makes sense.  Take Facebook Walls for example–look at any company that lets users post anything they want about the company on their Walls and it quickly morphs into a “Wall of Shame” by embittered & unhappy customers.    Even more so, legitimate statements by the bank or its officials can be reinterpreted completely independently and often incorrectly.  Better to wait and see how this plays out then act decisively.

Still, social media is not to be ignored.  According to this recent report by Accenture, that time is running out It predicts that up to 90% of banks plan to devote resources to social media in 2012, including as much as 10% of their marketing budgets (and by now it goes without saying how influential social media itself is).

In a way, the script is already set: banks are in a particularly interesting place given that they serve an essential function in any consumer society (hence the not-insignificant barrage of privacy, legal and regulatory issues to deal with) yet so many of us engage with them almost entirely online, with little or no “real” face-to-face interaction inside an actual branch. So a virtual relationship (and a pretty important one at that) already exists. The question is how can you explore that one without endangering the “real” one?

So if banks are going to bravely sally forth into highly capricious territory, perhaps design thinking can show them a way forward.  Some banks have already started doing this.  As I mentioned in February, Fidelity worked with Stanford’s “d.school” to re-envision its website for a better user experience and ended up with some interesting results.

Similarly, with online banking obviating the need for branches, some banks have used design thinking to completely redefine them into cheery, sociable “branches of the future.” To my knowledge, the first was Umpqua Bank in Portland, Oregon (cheekily-styled “the World’s Greatest Bank“), designed by Sohrab Vassoughi & Ziba Design.  It has since caught on here in Alberta with Alberta Treasury Branch opening sleek and opulent branches in upscale Edmonton & Calgary locales via the firm Karo.  Some of these design-inspired features include open-concept lounges, concierge-like service and even something called the “Wow Wall” that interacts with passers-by as they well, pass by. Not only does this revive an area of the business badly in need of reinvention, it establishes a customer-friendly personality. And the results seem to be positive.

So if design thinking can unleash all that with a willing client and result in happier customers, just imagine what it could do in service of customer relationships via the many social media touchpoints between institution and customer–everything from advertising & promotions to loyalty programs to allowing user-shared reviews to the direct proliferation of financial advice to allowing actual transactions.  All guided by design principles like storytelling and ethnography. The possibilities for banks and social media are tremendous. And approaching fast.

Placemaking: Design vs. Place?

30 Mar

Is there a tension between design and place?

This thoughtful article from the Project for Public Spaces suggests there might be.  Naturally, it favours more of the place-centered approach but the interesting dynamic seems to be how much importance overall context is given in designing a new place.

A Design-Centered approach is “project-driven, discipline-based” and relies on a “lone genius” (i.e. Starchitect) to create “an all-or-nothing approach” that results in a “look but don’t touch mentality”.

Whereas a Place-Centered approach is “place-driven, community-based” and “looks for partners, starts small and builds up” to create an “accessible and inclusive” place that is “never really finished”.

Naturally some would quibble with what may seem to be arbitrary distinctions.  And of course there would be natural overlap between these categories. But it does raise an interesting point about whether designers left alone in their ivory towers and white hats might be missing something when it comes to building for their respective communities.

How Fidelity Used Design Thinking to Perfect Its Website – Frederick S. Leichter – Harvard Business Review

1 Feb

And who says design thinking couldn’t apply to the buttoned-down financial industry? Even if improving the customer service experience is only at the retail client-facing level (i.e. not amongst the big investment bank/hedge-fund managers) this shows there’s still enormous room for improvement and engagement in banking using the basic principles of empathy, storytelling, synthesis and prototyping…

How Fidelity Used Design Thinking to Perfect Its Website – Frederick S. Leichter – Harvard Business Review.