Archive | April, 2012

What Web 3.0 should be.

20 Apr

Another fine article from the Atlantic’s Alexis Madrigal on the future of the Internet and the Internet Economy and most importantly, how it needs to be re-calibrated.

He references some not-too-distant (or difficult) predictions made in Wired Magazine way back in 1999 that have since come true, mostly regarding mobiles, flat screens and the near ubiquitous presence of technology through our latest technological  advent, cloud computing. Its great.  We’re all irreversibly and annoyingly in each other’s faces all the time…so now what?

Specifically, his point is a fairly simple yet devastating one to grasp–by overwhelmingly focusing on “apps” that fit within the envelope of the big guns (Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, RIM) entrepreneurs, developers & techies are gearing innovation on the Internet as a whole towards the small, the narrow and the niche.  Rather than looking at technology broadly, most commercial innovation ends up being about making something specific for a small group of already-committed users.  Usually its to the great indifference of the rest of us and along now-tired business models such as “freemiums.”

“Thin-slicing the edge of the wedge” as I like to think of it.

Rather, he says its time to move on to the next stage of technological/industrial escalation.

I agree.  It is truly a remarkable achievement to have established instant connection (and distraction) for nearly everyone.  But now its time for the Internet/networked world to take the next step in broadening the human horizon.